Public Events
The 2nd Annual Eastern Conference on Mathematical Finance (November 3-5, 2017)
The 2nd Annual Eastern Conference on Mathematical Finance was hosted by Columbia University (Friday), NYU Courant (Saturday) and NYU Tandon (Sunday) on November 3-5, 2017. A great line-up of speakers from industry and academic presented on recent developments in quantitative finance, including (a complete list of abstracts and bios are available here):
Leif Andersen (NYU Courant/Bank of America)
Allen Cheng (Columbia/AQR Capital)
Ren Raw Chen (Fordham)
Peter Cotton (JP Morgan)
Monty Essid (NYU Courant)
Ionut Florescu (Stevens Institute)
Helyette Geman (Johns Hopkins)
Sebastian Jaimungal (University of Toronto)
Tom Li (NYU Courant)
Dilip Madan (University of Maryland)
Johannes Muhle Karbe (Carnegie Mellon)
Sergey Nadtochiy (University of Michigan)
Gordon Ritter (NYU Courant/GSA Capital)
Scott Robertson (Boston University)
Lorenzo Schoenleber (NYU Courant)
Ronnie Sircar (Princeton)
Anna Srapionyan (Cornell)
Harvey Stein (Bloomberg)
Stephan Sturm (Worcester Polytechnic)
Agnes Tourin (NYU Tandon)
Kim Weston (Rutgers)
Hongzhong Zhang (Columbia)
Xunyu Zhou (Columbia)
Lingjiong Zhu (Florida State)
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